Affiliate Funds
A local advisory board provides oversight, defines grantmaking priorities, and raises funds that are distributed to community organizations
Agency Endowment Funds
Agencies benefit from participation in the CFMC’s investment pool, help with planned giving, and a reliable source of income
- 39 Craftsmen Fund for Monterey County Youth Museum
- All Saints’ Day School Endowment Fund
- Alliance on Aging Endowment Fund
- Alzheimer’s Association of Monterey County Fund
- Friends of the Andy Ausonio Library Endowment Fund
- Big Sur Health Center Endowment Fund
- The Big Sur Land Trust Conservation Fund
- Blind and Visually Impaired Center Fund
- Laurie Boone Hogen Appreciation Fund for Excellence in Teaching
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County Fund
- Carl Cherry Center for the Arts Fund
- Carmel Music Society Endowment Fund
- Carmel Woman’s Club Fund
- Carmel Woman’s Club Scholarship Endowment Fund
- Carmel Youth Center Endowment Fund
- Casa Amesti Foundation Building Endowment Fund
- Casa Amesti House and Garden Endowment
- David Allen Bernahl II, Local Heroes Fund for CASA
- Center for Photographic Art Fund
- Chamber Music Monterey Bay Fund
- Chartwell School Scholarship Endowment Fund
- Community Partnership for Youth Fund
- Community Homeless Solutions Endowment Fund
- Carmel Public Library Foundation Fund
- Carmel Public Library Foundation – Children’s Fund
- Elkhorn Slough Foundation, Inc. Fund
- Fred Farr & Edwin Bliss Buckeye Memorial Fund
- Fenton Founders’ Fund for Youth Music Monterey
- Food Bank for Monterey County Endowment Fund
- Friends of the Carmel Valley Library Fund
- Friends of the Salvation Army Monterey Peninsula Fund
- Gateway Center of Monterey County
- Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast Endowment Fund
- Goodwill Industries of Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties Fund
- Health Projects Center Fund
- Interim, Inc. Mental Illness Endowment Fund
- Jack O’Neill & Harry Hind Endowment Fund
- Kinship Center Fund
- Bishop Kip Fund for All Saints’ School
- Legal Services for Seniors Endowment Fund
- LULAC Council # 2055 Fund
- Lyceum Founders’ Fund in Memory of Vera Hering and Claire Kennedy
- Max’s Helping Paws Endowment Fund
- Mayor Joe Gunter Memorial Fund for the Veterans Day Parade
- Foundation for Monterey County Free Libraries – General Endowment Fund
- Foundation for Monterey County Free Libraries – Dallas Shaffer Book Fund
- Monterey County Free Libraries Staff Development Fund
- Meals on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula Fund
- Eve Mills Memorial Fund for Meals on Wheels Salinas Valley
- Meals on Wheels of Salinas Fund, Inc.
- Mexican American Opportunity Foundation Fund
- Monterey History and Art Association Endowment Fund
- Monterey Public Library Fund
- MPC Women Supporting Women Endowment Fund
- Monterey Museum of Art Fund
- Monterey County Historical Society Fund
- Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove Fund
- Natividad Medical Foundation Fund
- Danny Nugent Memorial Campership Fund
- Ombudsman for Long-Term Care Fund
- Operating Endowment Fund
- Orchestra in the Schools Endowment Fund
- Orchestra in the Schools Endowment Fund
- Nellie Irons Orr Scholarship Fund
- Pacific Repertory Theatre Endowment
- Project Helping Hand Fund
- Rancho Cielo Endowment Fund
- Salinas Rodeo Rotary Club Foundation Agency Endowment Fund
- SPCA of Monterey County Fund
- St. Timothy Foundation, Inc. Fund
- Sunset Theater Endowment Fund
- Sylvia W. Schwarz Endowment for Reading Improvement at Tularcitos School
- Robinson Jeffers Tor House Fund
- Tularcitos Parent Teacher Organization Fund
- Director Emeritus Richard Tyler Scholarship Award
- United Way of Monterey County Fund
- Ventana Trails Forever Fund
- Ventana Wildlife Society Fund
- Ventana Wilderness Alliance Fund
- Church in the Forest Joe Verska Music Fund
- The Western Stage Endowment Fund
- Youth in Wilderness Fund
- York School Fund
Agency Stewardship Funds
Agencies benefit from participation in the CFMC’s investment pool, help with planned giving, and maintain access to the fund’s principal
- 1984 Fund
- AMJ Stewardship Fund
- Big Sur Land Trust Carmel River FREE Stewardship Fund
- Big Sur Health Center Stewardship Fund
- Community Association of Big Sur Resilience Stewardship Fund
- Breast Cancer Assistance Stewardship Fund
- Carmel Art Association Stewardship Fund
- Carmel Cares Fund
- Carmel Heritage Society Stewardship Fund
- Carmel Valley Kiwanis Foundation Stewardship Fund
- Friends of the Carmel Valley Library Stewardship Fund
- Carmel Woman’s Club Stewardship Fund
- Carmel Youth Center Fund
- CASA of Monterey County Stewardship Fund
- CCVNA Stewardship Fund III – Long Term Restricted Investment Fund
- Stewardship Fund for the Center for Photographic Arts
- Central Coast Center for Independent Living Stewardship Fund
- Central Coast Veterans Cemetery Foundation Stewardship Fund
- Central Coast VNA and Hospice, Inc. Stewardship Fund
- Chamber Music Monterey Bay Stewardship Fund
- CHISPA Stewardship Fund
- Church in the Forest Fund for the Future
- Monterey College Of Law Fund
- Community Homeless Solutions Stewardship Fund
- Community Human Services Stewardship Fund
- Community Kitchen Fund
- Conservancy for the Range of the Condor Stewardship Fund
- COPA Catalyst Fund
- Community Partnership for Youth Capital Fund
- Carmel Valley Angel Project Stewardship Fund
- Carmel Valley Manor Foundation Stewardship Fund
- Del Monte Forest Conservancy Fund
- Early Childhood Equity Stewardship Fund
- The Equine Healing Collaborative Stewardship Fund
- First Baptist Church of Salinas Stewardship Fund
- Friends of the Andy Ausonio Library Stewardship Fund
- Friends of Carmel Forest Stewardship Fund
- Friends of the Marina Library Stewardship Fund
- Friends of the Pacific Grove Public Library Fund
- Gateway Center Mary Lou Cortright Memorial Legacy Fund
- Girls, Inc. Stewardship Fund
- Harmony at Home; Ending Violence & Building Families Stewardship Fund
- Hartnell College Foundation Student Success Fund
- Health Projects Center Stewardship Fund
- Helen Johnson Endowment Fund
- Bob Hoover Academy Stewardship Fund
- International School of Monterey Foundation Stewardship Fund
- IOC/Joining Hands Benefit Shop Stewardship Fund
- Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services Stewardship Fund
- Japanese American Citizens League of Monterey Peninsula Stewardship Fund
- Junior League of Monterey County Stewardship Fund
- The Herman & Helen Kasavan Stewardship Fund
- Kernes Adaptive Aquatics Stewardship Fund
- Kinship Center Stewardship Fund
- Laguna Seca Raceway Foundation Fund
- LandWatch Monterey County Stewardship Fund
- LandWatch Legacy Stewardship Fund
- Sun Street Centers’ Anne C. Leach Scholarship Fund
- Legal Services for Seniors Stewardship Fund
- Friends of the Pacific Grove Public Library Youth Services Fund
- Maury Richmond Scholarship Stewardship Fund
- Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley Stewardship Fund
- Methodist Foundation of Pacific Grove Stewardship Fund
- Monterey County Pops Stewardship Fund
- Monterey County Rape Crisis Center Stewardship Fund
- Monterey Opportunity Housing Trust Stewardship
- Monterey Peninsula Buddhist Temple Stewardship Fund I
- Monterey Peninsula Buddhist Temple Stewardship Fund II
- Museum Foundation of Pacific Grove Stewardship Fund
- Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History Operating Reserve Fund
- Park it! Stewardship Fund
- Peace of Mind Dog Rescue Stewardship Fund
- Pacific Grove Public Library Fund for the Future
- Pacific Grove Public Library Friends and Foundation Stewardship Fund
- Rancho Cielo Youth Stewardship Fund
- Allan & Dolores Rosoff Family Stewardship Fund
- Saint John the Baptist Building Stewardship Fund
- Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Foundation Stewardship Fund
- Learning Opportunities Endowment Fund for Scottish Fiddlers of California
- Shelter Outreach Plus Stewardship Fund
- Sol Treasures Stewardship Fund
- Sarah Spencer Seed Money Fund for the Center for Photographic Art
- St. James Buildings Renovation Fund
- Stewardship Fund Year End Adjustment
- Sun Street Centers Stewardship Fund
- Jess Tabasa Education Stewardship Fund
- Jess Tabasa Exhibition Stewardship Fund
- Temple Beth El Stewardship Fund
- United Way Monterey County Stewardship Fund III
- United Way Monterey County Stewardship Fund
- United Way Monterey County Stewardship Fund II
- Veterans Transition Center of California
- Visiting Nurses Association and Hospice Stewardship Fund
- Youth Arts Collective Stewardship Fund
- Youth Music Monterey Stewardship Fund
Corporate Funds
Businesses receive tax advantages, and customized support to maximize their community philanthropy
Designated Funds
Donors can support a specific agency or agencies with a permanent, protected stream of operating income
- William S. and Janice R. Anderson Fund
- Anne Thorp Memorial Fund
- Arts Council for Monterey County Endowment Fund
- Tony P. and Marjorie Ayres Fund
- Nancy Parker Benham Endowment Fund
- Dale and Margaret Byrne Family Fund
- Carmel Valley Kiwanis T. Frank Quilty Scholarship Fund of the Community Fund for Carmel Valley
- Central Coast Lighthouse Keepers Fund
- Cislini Fund
- Howard and Lynn Classen Endowment
- Communities for Sustainable Monterey County Endowment Fund
- The Gloria S. Daly Endowment Fund for All Saints’ Episcopal Day School
- E. Young Family CyberSecurity Fund
- Frances Elgan & Werner Kunkel Fund
- Howard W. and Elva M. Elliott Trust Fund
- Equal Access Monterey Bay
- The Herman Fletcher Fund
- A Fork in the Road-A Fund Providing a Path to a Science Career
- John Gill ALS Patient Support Fund
- The Bradley K Gjerding Fund
- Hester Hyde Griffin Fund for All Saints’ Day School
- Rodney & Betty Guilfoil Fund
- The Hudson Fund
- Ward D. and Mary T. Ingrim Fund
- Bob Jones Boy Scout Camping Fund
- The William Kiepura Fund
- Frank and Michelle Knight Family Fund
- Sandy Loiacono Scholarship Fund
- The Los Altos Sunset Rotary with Bill and Mabel Mayhood Fund
- John H. Marble Endowment Fund
- Jane P. McKay Endowment Fund for the Big Sur Land Trust Fellowship Program
- Jane P. McKay Endowment Fund for Door to Hope
- Jane P. McKay Endowment Fund for the Hartnell College Foundation Counselors’ Grants Program
- Perry D. and Barbara R. Miller Charitable Fund
- Montage Health Support Fund at the Community Foundation for Monterey County
- Joyce Morris Fund
- Monterey County Symphony Association Fund
- Margaret L. Musser Restricted Fund
- Susan A. Nerney Budding Performer Fund
- Perry-Downer House Fund
- Maud Porter Work Rose Garden Fund
- Carl Young Memorial Earth Science Endowment Fund
- YWCA Endowment Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Advisors recommend grants from their fund to support nonprofit organizations and work with CFMC staff to create a meaningful philanthropic legacy
- #liveforross
- 21 Gifting Fund
- 22 Love Fund
- Zekai and Carolyn Akcan Fund
- Amy Anderson and George Somero Fund
- Anne R. Fitzpatrick Foundation Fund
- Anonymous Donor Temporary Fund
- Antle Family Fund
- Rick and Tonya Antle Fund
- Armstrong Family Fund
- Ausonio Family Fund
- Willa and Sienna Aylaian Higher Education Fund
- Baker Fund
- Dan Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker Fund
- Bareuther Family Fund
- Peggy Downes Baskin Fund for Women’s Reentry
- Peggy Downes Baskin Fund for Women’s Reentry
- Lino and Teri Belli Family Fund
- The Benjamin Family Foundation
- Marta L. Bennett Fund
- Mads and Susan Bjerre Charitable Fund
- Sarah and Robert Bouchier Fund
- Howard Franklin Bowker Numismatic Projects Endowment Fund
- Bride Kiniry Family Foundation Fund
- Bright Futures Fund
- The Brown Family Fund
- Buccafurni-Lawrence Fund
- Buchalter/Adler Family Fund
- The Buffett Fund
- Josephine Bunn Fund
- California Rodeo Salinas Fund
- Phil Carey and Koji Kainuma Fund
- Carmel Gives Fund
- Albert R. and Patricia K. Ceresa Fund
- Chappellet Youth, Arts, and Ecology Fund
- Chris’s Fund
- Clint and Karen Miller Charitable Fund
- Colleagues of the Arts Endowment Fund
- Collins Family Fund
- Julie Conrad Donor Advised Fund
- Cormorant Fund
- Corral de Tierra Country Club Employee Assistance / Relief Fund
- Scott Corwon Fund
- John and Pamela Craig Family Foundation Fund
- John and Nessie M. Cuda Family Fund
- Cynthia Snorf Fund
- Andrew & Phyllis D’Arrigo Fund
- D’Arrigo-Martin Fund
- David G. Huey & Carla S. Hudson Family Fund
- David R. Fritschi Jr. Charitable Foundation Fund, A Non-Endowed Donor Advised Fund
- David Soskin Memorial Fund
- Donald McEnry Davis Charitable Fund
- Eric and Ila Davis Fund
- Ila Davis Fund
- Dekker Davidson Foundation
- The DeLay-Magnuson Foundation Fund
- Marcia F. DeVoe Fund
- Dewey Foundation Fund
- DeWitt Fund
- Marti and Steve Diamond Charitable Foundation Fund
- The Diehl Moltz Fund
- Martin and Nancy Dodd Fund
- Helen R. Doe Fund
- Doolittle Fund
- Natalie and Eric Drobny Fund
- Jean and Jim Duff Fund
- Engstrom and West Fund
- Davis Factor, Jr. and Christine B. Factor Fund
- Farrell/Allen/LaSalle Carmel Rotary Fund
- Farrell/Allen Carmel Rotary Fund
- Doris Parker Fee Fund
- Ted Fehring Family/Carmel Host Lions Club Fund
- Lewis and Gloria Fenton Fund
- The Fernandez Morell Family Fund
- The Peter and Erline Fichtner Charitable Fund
- Jett Fighter Fund
- Lori and Lou Flagg Memorial Youth Fund
- Flip A Life Fund
- Frances Memorial Fund
- Franklin Legacy Fund
- Michael and Wendy Franscioni Fund
- Fred and Katie Hamilton Family Fund
- Friends of Community Animal Services Fund
- Fuhs Family Foundation Fund
- Fuqua Family Foundation Fund
- John and Laura Gamble Family Fund
- The Joel and Dena Gambord Foundation
- David and Carla Garnham Fund
- Gaver Family Fund
- Gerosin Fund
- Jim and Barb Gianelli Fund
- Tracy Gibbons Charitable Fund
- Global Student Leadership Fund
- Gloria Fund
- Trinidad and Lupe Gomez Family Fund
- Jessica Govea-Thorbourne Memorial Fund
- The Graham-Freed Family Foundation Fund
- Tom Grainger Memorial Fund
- Pat Grant DVM Charitable Fund
- Harlan and Barbara Hall Fund
- Richard Hamilton and Debra Schadeck Charitable Fund
- Haynes Charitable Foundation Fund
- The Homer T. Hayward Lumber Company Fund
- The Peter and Jackie Henning Fund
- Herman-Mellon Family Fund
- Joseph and Elizabeth Heston Family Foundation
- Hicks Fund for the Arts
- Carol and Don Hilburn Fund
- Elmer G. and William G. Hitchcock Fund
- Mary and Peter Hobley Memorial Fund
- Hodges Family Fund
- Jeanne Smith-Holmquist Fund
- Chip Hooper Foundation
- Tom Hopkins Wilderness Fund
- Housing for Kids Fund
- Hughes-Rivera Family Fund
- Huth Family Fund
- Ann and Brian Jacobson Charitable Fund
- Janette Loomis Charitable Fund, A Non-Endowed Donor Advised Fund
- Janzen Family Fund
- Jim and Linda Tunney Fund
- Joey & Dewitt Astin Memorial Fund
- John and Annette Romans Family Fund
- Birt and Kathleen Johnson, Jr. Fund
- Victor and Lynda Johnson Family Fund
- Colburn and Alana Jones Foundation
- Karen Judkins and Steven Wade Fund
- Judy Williamson Fund
- Elke Junger Making a Difference Fund
- The Leslie B. Kadis, MD and Ruth McClendon Family Foundation Fund
- Kadushin Robinson Fund
- Kathy Kever Charitable Fund
- F.B. & B.H. Keith Fund
- Carol and Chuck Keller Family Fund
- Robert and Angela Kent Fund
- Steven D. Kesselring and Jean M. Forrest Fund
- Kim and Steve McIntyre Fund
- Kobrinsky Evans Family Fund
- The Kohn Family Theatre and Arts Fund
- Phyllis Geer Krystal Fund
- The Landreth Family Fund
- James and Susan Lansbury Fund
- Jefferson and Frances Larkey Memorial Fund
- Lee-Alexander Family Fund
- Lehman Family Fund
- William R. and Duncan B. Lewis Family Foundation Fund
- Phyllis and Herbert Lister Fund
- Live and Give Fund
- Valera Whitford Lyles Fund
- MacGowan Pathwanderer Fund
- John and Kristina Magill Fund
- Mahoney/Peterson Family Fund
- Maija, Eva, and Cody West Fund
- The Marcus Family Fund
- The Marcus Family Fund II
- Adele P. Margolis Fund
- Cambrel B. Marshall Fund
- Martin R. Wolf Family Fund
- Cappy Martin/Vernon Hurd Monterey Rotary Club Fund
- The Ann Mayer Hiller Memorial Fund
- Monterey County Children’s Fund
- McChesney Fund
- McHenry Family Fund
- McMahan Family Fund
- Catherine L. and Robert O. McMahan Fund
- Marjorie McNeely Fund for the Blind or Illiterate
- Richard and Grace Merrill Fund
- Lenore and Dale Meyer Fund
- MGA at Quail Lodge Community Impact Fund
- McCully Hansen Johnson Family Fund
- Malcolm and Joanne Millard Fund
- Perry and Barbara Miller Family Foundation Fund
- Mills Family Fund
- Tim and Cindy Minor Charitable Giving Fund
- William and Patricia Monahan Fund
- Monterey Pacific Company Fund
- Morgens West Fund
- Lawrence and Carleton Mowell Fund
- Monterey Peninsula Sunrise Rotary Club Fund
- Anthony and Lary Lynn Muller Fund
- Nahas Family Fund
- Joan Ann Nattress – Movement, Exercise, Longevity Fund
- Gilbert M. Neill Math Fund
- Gary and Diane Nelson Foundation Fund
- Neumeier Taylor Foundation Fund
- Mimi and George Niesen Mostly Arts and Youth Fund
- Nonella Family Fund
- Noorani Family Fund
- Don Nucci Fund for the Salinas Valley
- The Nunes Company Fund
- O’Brien Family Fund
- Oak Hill Charitable Fund
- Mike and Mary Orradre Fund
- Overett Family Fund
- Packer Family Foundation
- Pagnillo Family Fund
- Painter Family Fund
- Parker and Shapiro Family Fund
- Partners in Paradise Fund
- Nicholas M. Pasculli Fund
- Bill and Rita Patterson Foundation Fund
- Barbara Paul and Tom LaFaille Fund
- Peregrine Fund
- Pfeiffer Ridge Fund
- Pollack Family Fund
- Post Ranch Inn Big Sur Community Fund
- Rapa Trust Fund
- Reed Family Fund
- Reese Family Fund
- Michael E. Reid and William E. Robnett Family Fund
- Ridgewalker Fund
- Lee and Shirley Rosen Fund
- Rotary Club of Monterey Cannery Row Fund
- The Fred Rowden Memorial Fund
- RSH Fund
- Ryan Family Fund
- S.F.B. Morse Conservation Award
- Salinas Rodeo Rotary Club Fund
- Salinas Rotary Club Fund
- Fund for the Salinas Valley
- Vince Sercia Humanitarian Fund
- The James M. Shade Memorial Fund
- Shelley Family Fund
- Shing Taylor Fund
- Ramsey Shirk Fund
- Matthew Simis & Michael Gray Fund
- Simon Family Fund
- Laura Sinks Fund
- Smith Family Alliance Fund
- Andy & Steffanie Smith Fund
- Dr. Catherine L. Smith Charitable Fund
- Steve and Gail Snodgrass Charitable Fund
- The Snorf Fund
- Spradling Family Giving Fund
- Steck Family Fund
- Salinas Steinbeck Rotary Club Fund
- Stephen V. Davies Family Fund
- Struve Family Fund
- James W. Sullivan and Catherine Brennan Family Fund
- Robert and Leslie Taylor Fund
- Gary and Emma Taylor Fund
- The Terman and Borreson Family Fund
- Thau Family Fund
- Joanne Taylor Fund
- Peter and Anne Thorp Fund
- Tyler Visiting Fellowship in Residence Fund
- William H. and Susanne S. Tyler Pathway Fund
- Tyler Fund for the Performing Arts
- Dr. James Valentine Fund
- Vallentin Fund
- Vanderbilt Charitable Fund
- Joe Rock and Robin Venuti Family Fund
- Wanda C. Vollmer Foundation Fund
- Gabrielle Andrea Walters Fund
- The Weidner Foundation Fund
- Wiegand Family Foundation
- Jackie and Mark Wendland Fund
- Ben and Mary Ann Whitten Fund
- Willemsen Family Fund
- Bill and Kathi Wojtkowski Fund
- Wold Family Foundation
- Andrew Horst Wolfe Fund
- F.H. Woo Family Fund
- Yoga For All Movement Fund
- Dave and Judi Zaches Charitable Foundation Fund
- Zalan Family Fund
- Marsha McMahan Zelus Fund
- Zeve Fund
Endowed Scholarship
Field of Interest Funds
Donors specify a charitable field of interest and the CFMC’s Board of Directors awards grants to organizations making a difference in our county
- Ruth L. and Wilbur K. Amonette Fund
- Paul Block, Jr. Fund
- Patricia J. Boles Fund
- Maureen Bradford Fund
- Willis W. and Ethel M. Clark Foundation Fund
- Stephen and Madeleine Conran Fund
- The John & Mary Dawson Learning Fund
- Thomas Doud, Sr. and Anita M. Doud Fund
- Ken and Gundy DuVall Fund
- Fund for the Environment
- Fred Farr Environmental Stewardship Fund
- Fund for Homeless Women: Operating Fund
- Rudy E. Futer Fund for Human & Humane Needs
- Good Neighbor Basic Human Needs Fund
- Gumm Fund for the Performing Arts
- Elmer Mills Harris Fund
- The Fund for Homeless Women Non-Endowed Fund
- The Fund for Homeless Women Endowment
- Mary Ann Kane Fund for Education
- Terry Layne Fund for Beach Protection
- The Todd Lueders Fund for the Arts
- Douglas Madsen Fund for HIV/AIDS Housing in Monterey County
- Kathleen and Howard Marks Fund
- MBD Fund
- Monterey County Tolerance and Acceptance Fund
- The McKay Fund
- MPUSD Fund for the Arts
- Leslie Mulford Fund
- Engracia Irene Murray Field of Interest Fund
- Margaret L. Musser Field of Interest Fund
- Andrew D. and Marjorie S. Orrick Fund
- Out Reach – A Fund for LGBT Life in Monterey County
- Siembra Latinos Fund
- Dr. Frank Pye Smith Medical Facilities Fund
- Robert and Virginia Stanton Endowment Fund
- Irving R. and Helen G. Stuart Fund
- The James M. and Marjorie E. Sturgeon Fund
- Evelyn and Spencer Thompson Fund to Help Feed the Hungry
- Dr. George & Sam Kih Thorngate Family Fund
- Tri-Counties Blood Bank Fund
- Anita Tarr Turk Fund for Breast Cancer Research
- Women’s Fund Endowment
- Youth Fund
- Florence Haspel Zeve Award Fund
General Endowment Funds
Donors place their trust in the CFMC’s expert staff and board to respond to the community’s most pressing needs now and into the future
- Fund for the 21st Century
- Kathleen and Austin Barrows Fund
- Wendy (Millard) Benjamin Fund
- CFMC Operating Fund
- CFMC Trustees Fund
- Cislini Fund #2
- Communities for Sustainable Monterey County Endowment Fund
- Mary Jane Drummond Fund
- Fund for Monterey County
- Marilyn & Philo Holland Fund
- Lauralie and J. Irvine Fund
- George P. and Betty Kendall Memorial Fund
- Leo Lanini Fund
- The Barbara and Joseph Lee Fund
- The John and Nancy Love Fund
- John R. Marron Fund
- Neighborhood Grants Program
- Opportunity Fund
- The Donna Roop Endowment Fund
- The Scott Fund
- Evelyn Torras Fund
Private Foundation Funds
These funds offer administrative support, plus increased flexibility, tax advantages and personalized philanthropic services
Scholarship & Award Funds
Donors invest in the future of local students and support a variety of individuals with the help of professional staff
- Monica Abbott Scholarship Fund
- AGB Scholarship Fund
- American Culinary Federation Monterey Bay Chapter, Marc H. Vedrines Scholarship
- Shahin Hormozi Anable Scholarship Fund for Women in Math and Science
- Ausonio Family Scholarship Fund
- Dr. William D. Barr Scholarship Fund for Excellence in Educational Leadership
- Dr. Roger and Kate Bartels Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Belli Architectural Group Scholarship Fund
- Bird Educational Scholarship Fund
- The Bissell Fund
- James Bliss & Annette Sward Forestry & Nursing Scholarship Fund
- Boewe Bui Scholarship Fund
- Margaret and Seba Bronson Scholarship Fund
- Carol C. W. Butterfield Bacon Scholarship Fund
- Stephanie A. Byrne Scholarship Fund
- California Rodeo Salinas Scholarship Fund
- The Larry Horan-Jim Langley Cal Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund
- California Polytechnic State University Agriculture Business Department Endowment Fund
- Carmel High School Class of 1952 Fund
- Carmel Stone Imports Scholarship Fund
- Carmel Valley Women’s Club Foundation Scholarship Fund
- CASA of Monterey County Scholarship Fund
- Casilda Paul Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Caste Action Alliance Scholarship
- CHISPA Scholarship Fund
- Church Brothers – True Leaf Farms Scholarship Fund
- Bill Clapper Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
- College Futures Monterey County Fund
- Raymond H. Costa Family Scholarship Fund
- Bert P. Cutino Professional Chef Scholarship Fund
- Steve and Marti Diamond Scholarship Fund
- Drezner Family Scholarship Fund
- Judge Efren and Lite Iglesia Scholarship Fund: In Memory of Roger and Pat Freet
- E.G. Young Computer Science and Information Systems Scholarship Fund
- The Elkhorn Slough Foundation’s James Rote & Les Strnad Scholarship Fund
- Equal Access Monterey Bay
- EWJ Hitchcock Memorial Scholarship Fund
- David L. Ferguson Scholarship Fund
- Matthew Paul Finnigan Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Nancy Fowler Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
- FW Family Scholarship Fund
- Gabilan Hope Scholarship Fund
- Joel and Dena Gambord Nursing Scholarship Fund
- George V. Kriste Scholarship Fund
- Girls’ Health in Girls’ Hands Scholarship Fund
- Richard Gourley Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The Allen S. Griffin Fund
- Geraldyn R. Griffith Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Gruit Memorial International Student College Scholarship Fund
- Whitney Elisabeth Grummon Memorial Scholarship Fund
- R. J. Harper Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Hausdorf Family Scholarship Fund
- Henry Hibino Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Bonnie Hutcheon Scholarship Fund
- Ipson-Tully Cal Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Jess Harrison Family Scholarship Fund
- John S. Myszak Scholarship for Future Teachers
- Kier Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Howard and Gretchen Leach Scholarship Fund
- Legacy of Learning Jaroslav “Jerry” Stepanek Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The Limitless Scholarship Fund
- The Andrew Jim Maness and Steven Paul Schmidt Scholarship Fund
- Rotary Club of Monterey Martin/Hurd Scholarship Fund
- Men’s Golf Association at Quail Lodge Scholarship Fund
- County of Monterey Scholarship Program Fund
- The Morse Foundation Scholarship Fund
- Robert Hattori Nakamura Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Nan Borreson & Fred Terman Scholarship Fund
- Anthony Nicholas Narigi Memorial Baseball Endowment
- Natural Disaster Support Scholarship Fund
- Libby Olver Scholarship Fund
- Dr. Gladys M. Olvis Scholarship Fund
- Kristopher Pallastrini Fund
- Reg Huston/ S.T.A.R. Scholarship for the Performing Arts
- Megan Reis Imagine Scholarship Fund
- Richard Scott Reynolds Science and Technology Education Scholarship Fund
- Ruelas Fulfilment Foundation
- San Ardo Foundation for Education
- Theodore R. Sarbin Research and Scholarship Award Fund
- The Harles R. Sarment College Endowment
- Scholarship Fund for Homeless Women
- Sharon Heights Golf and Country Club Employee Scholarship Fund
- Alan and Rita Shugart Scholarship Fund
- Smith Family Scholarship Fund
- Joseph and Betty Spradling Scholarship Fund
- Robert Stanton Award Fund
- Wilbur H. and Maxine D. Stevens Scholarship Fund
- Traven Tapson Foundation
- Taylor Farms SoCal Award Program Fund
- Taylor Farms Scholarship Fund
- The Club at Pasadera Scholarship Fund
- Hugo and Dolores Tottino Family Scholarship Fund
- Emerging Leaders Society of United Way Monterey County Scholarship Fund
- Jack Van Zander Cal Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Charles Joseph Watts Scholarship Fund
- Shelley Ann Watts Scholarship Fund
- Daphne and Stuart Wells Public Service Scholarship Fund
- Michael Anthony Willemsen Public Service Scholarship Fund
- Horace H. Wilson Scholarship Fund
- World Affairs Council of the Monterey Bay Area Scholarship Fund (WACMB)
- Zalan Family Scholarship Fund
Special Purpose Funds
Funds established for urgent needs, specific projects or initiatives
- Alert Monterey County Fund
- Big Sur Fund in Memory of Weston Call
- Big Sur Disaster Relief Fund
- Old Capital Club Garden and House Operating Fund
- Casa de Noche Buena Special Purpose Fund
- Center for Nonprofit Excellence
- County of Monterey COVID-19 Memorial
- COVID-19 Relief Fund
- Community Fund for Carmel Valley Disaster Relief Fund
- Del Rey Oaks Basketball Court Fund
- Monterey County Development Professionals Fund
- King City Recreation Commission Forden Park Playground Fund
- Rudolph E. Futer Restricted Purpose Fund
- Let’s Go Outdoors!
- The Marina High School Stadium Capital Campaign
- Monterey Peninsula Small Business Relief Fund
- MPRPD Transportation Grant
- MPNFA Nanao Earthquake Relief Fund
- Pathways to Safety
- Sea Haven Fund
Temporary Funds
- Corral de Tierra Country Club Employee Assistance / Relief Fund
- Gonzales Community Center Capital Campaign Fund
- Housing for Kids Special Purpose Fund
- Monterey County Fire Relief Fund
- Monterey County Storm Relief Fund
- Montage Health Fund for Monterey County Teachers
- Soledad Community Center Capital Campaign
- The City of Soledad Recreational Fund