CFMC Grants

Southern Monterey County Foundation

Founded in 2014, the Southern Monterey County Foundation (SMCF) is an affiliate fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County.

The SMCF provides grants to organizations that benefit the communities of Southern Monterey County, which in this case is defined as King City and all points south, excluding the coastal region.

2025 Application Due: 8/1/2025 by 5:00 PM or earlier


Grants will be considered for projects and programs serving Southern Monterey County communities. The SMCF considers Southern Monterey County to include King City and all points south, excluding the coastal region.

  • 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations
  • Public programs (schools, parks, public health, etc.)
  • Church-sponsored activities with benefit beyond their own membership
  • Organizations and collaboratives that are not legally incorporated—for these, CFMC requires an agreement with a “Fiscal Sponsor” defined as a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization accountable for financial management of the grant.
  • Organization may only submit one application. However, if an organization is serving as a fiscal sponsor for a collaborative or unincorporated group, they can also apply for a grant to benefit their organization.

Guidelines and Application


The SMCF seeks to support nonprofit organizations that have the leadership and capacity to provide important community resources and services in Southern Monterey County communities. Funding will be considered for the following types of requests:

  • Program Support: for the expansion or refinement of existing programs, as well as new programs that show the promise of impact and sustainability
  • Operating Support: unrestricted grants to organizations
  • Capital Support: for cost associated with buildings and/or facilities

Preference is given to locally based organizations that have less access to other sources of support, and where a small grant can make a meaningful difference. Proposals selected for funding will demonstrate strong community support for the project or program and a viable plan for achieving results.

Read our Grant Guidelines for further details.

Important Dates

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Within 12 months of the grant date, recipients will be expected to provide a written evaluation.

Recent Grants

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