About the COAD

Education, prevention and collaboration are key to managing local disasters and emergencies. The Monterey County COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster) is a consortium of nonprofit, community-based and faith‐based organizations. Their goal is to foster more effective service to those imperiled, impaired or impacted by local disaster. The group aims to eliminate unnecessary duplication of efforts in all phases of disaster preparedness and emergency management.


Bring together organizations active throughout the disaster cycle to foster more effective disaster resilience and readiness in the community. The COAD will provide a bridge between people and local needs by utilizing effective cooperation, coordination, communication, collaboration, education and fund development.


  • Create a more resilient Monterey County
    Provide an inclusive, informed process that addresses social, economic, natural, cultural, technological and organizational sectors of our greater community.
  • Enhance community connections
    Transforming our community’s culture of preparedness from “me” to “we” so that we are all smarter, stronger, healthier and better prepared.
  • Amplify county-wide preparedness
    Build capacity for preparedness, while also promoting strong community systems and addressing the many factors that contribute to disaster vulnerability.
Logo of Community Organization Active in Disaster


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