LEAD Institute Alumni Spotlight

LEAD Institute Alumni Spotlight

Stephanie Barron Lu, Executive Director
Positive Discipline Community Resources

When catching up with 2020 LEAD Institute Alum, Stephanie Barron Lu, we asked, “What inspires you about the work you’re doing now and what impact has LEAD Institute had on your career and mission impact?”

Stephanie responded, “At Positive Discipline, there is a moment we call the ‘aha’ moment: that children and youth, as much as adults, are inherently worthy of dignity and respect and that at our core we are all seeking belonging and significance. Parenting is deeply personal, and it inspires me that so many adults are willing to do the reflective, hard and heart-healing work to break intergenerational cycles of violence and harm – all while holding themselves and their children with love and compassion.

I count myself blessed to have been a member of the 2020 LEAD cohort and found many ‘aha’ moments through both the curriculum and the camaraderie.”

This program held me at a time when I was grappling with my role as a young leader (and mother), while smacked with the reality of the pandemic. Being a part of the LEAD program supported me in unpacking my own limiting beliefs around program planning and fundraising, all while facing personal loss of loved ones, simultaneously parenting, working and homeschooling my son, and mourning as a society the murder of George Floyd. Our cohort took a critical look at the harmful systems of white supremacy that nonprofits operate within and for that I am forever grateful. To say my bubble had burst is an understatement. I joke now that I have stretch marks on my soul from this year and attribute my success largely to the wisdom, sense of humor and strength of our group, paired with tools, learnings, and a phenomenal executive coach. I could have easily burned out, and instead I count myself lucky to continue to grow as a leader and see my organization thrive in service to our community.”

To learn more about LEAD Institute, visit: cfmco.org/LEAD


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