Introducing the CNE Advisor Circle

Introducing the CNE Advisor Circle

  Our local nonprofit sector is large and diverse, and the landscape has changed with our experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Not to mention in the ten years since we rebranded our programs as the Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNE).  To help us look ahead and stay responsive, we created the CNE Advisor Circle in Summer 2023. The group will meet with CNE staff twice a year to offer input and perspective.  Since members come from organizations with different business models and bring broad knowledge of community and nonprofit sector issues their input is invaluable. In addition, members will spread the word about CNE within their expansive professional networks. 

CNE Advisor Circle Members 2023 

  • Staci Alziebler-Perkins, Gathering for Women 
  • Stacie Andrews, The Village Project, Inc. (LEAD Institute participant) 
  • Colleen Bailey, Monterey Jazz Festival 
  • Ida Lopez Chan, Soledad Community Health Care District 
  • Lauren DaSilva, Monterey County Rape Crisis Center 
  • Steve Dennis, Community volunteer (multiple boards) and strategy consultant 
  • Steve Friedlander, Carmel Bach Festival*
  • Ron Johnson, Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County 
  • Gabriela López Chávez, LFC Loaves Fishes and Computers (LEAD Institute Alum) 
  • Corey Madden, Monterey Museum of Art
  • Kate Mitchell Mehle, Big Sur Land Trust (LEAD Institute Alum) 
*In memorium
I’m truly grateful that CNE exists. As a nonprofit professional, having a resource and the supportive individuals that are a part of CNE has been a lifesaver. Thank you for not only all you do, but your openness to hear from the organizations you regularly serve.” – Gabriela López Chávez
The CNE is a program of the Community Foundation for Monterey County which works with nonprofits of all types and sizes to be stronger, more resilient and equitable. To learn more, please visit CNE|Nonprofits


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